A. 2004年以来发表的英文论文有:
22、Cheng, B. & Zhang, D. (2020). Cultivating citizens with Confucian Cosmopolitanism: Defining the purpose of liberal arts education in the Asian context. Frontiers of Education in China.
21、Zhang, D. & Sargent, T. (2019). The education of migrant children in China’s Cities. In (Eds.), Social Justice for Children and Young People: International Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
20、Zhang, D. & Luo, Y. (2019). Under the Equity Discourse: Divergent School Practices for Migrant Children in Chinese urban Schools. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 21 (1), 3-19.
19、Zhang, D. (2019). Constructing social networks and mobilizing social capital: Case studies of two Tibetan students in a Beijing inland boarding school. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 21 (3), pp. 164-178. //doi.org/10.1108/IJCED-11-2018-0051
18、Zhang, D. (2018). Book Review. Educational process and function of stratification for migrant children by Shi, Qiuxia. Frontiers of Education in China, 13(3): 448–458. (paperback) //doi.org/10.1007/s11516-018-0021-1
17、Zhang, D. (2018). Interculturality, Identity, and Power: Experiences of Volunteer Chinese Teachers at Overseas Confucius Institutes. Frontiers of Education in China, 13 (2), 193-215. DOI: //doi.org/10.1007/s11516-018-0011-3
16、Zhang, D. (2018). Book Review. Agents’Space. Frontiers of Education in China, 13(1), pp. 413-414.
15、Zhang, D. (2018). The rural-urban divide, intergroup relations, and social identity formation of rural migrant children in a Chinese urban school. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 27:1, 60-77, DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2017.139420
14、Zhang, D. (2017). Tongshi Education in China: A New Bottle with Old Wine or an Old Wine with New Bottle? in Maria Burguete & Jean-Patrick Connerate (eds.), Interdisciplinarity and Generation Education in the 21st Century (pp. 43-58), Science Matters Press, Cascais, Portugal.
13. Zhang, D. & Xuan, T. (2017). Cultivating Innovative Talents among the Next-Generation Chinese Students: A Case Study of Renmin University of China. In Maria Burguete & Jean-Patrick Connerate (eds.), Interdisciplinarity and Generation Education in the 21st Century (pp. 59-74), Science Matters Press, Cascais, Portugal.
12、Zhang, D.(2017). Book review. The cultural characters of education: A fieldwork in Agela School in the city center of Philadelphia by Liu, Qian. Frontiers of Education in China, 441-444. DOI 10.1007/s11516-017-0032-3
11. Zhang, D. (2016). Book Review. Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities: In the Move to Mass Higher Education by Ruth Hayhoe, Jun Li, Jing Lin and Qiang Zha. Comparative Education Review, 60 (2), pp. 413-414.
10、Zhang, D. & Luo, Y. (2015). Social exclusion and the hidden curriculum: The schooling experiences of Chinese rural migrant children in an urban public school. British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(2), pp. 215-234.
9、Zhang, D. (2015). Growing up with distant parents: Socialization and alienation of “left-behind children” in rural China. Frontiers of Education in China, 10 (4), 505-525.
8、Zhang, D.& Chen, L. (2014). Creating a multicultural curriculum in Han-dominant schools: The policy and practice of ethnic solidarity education in China. Comparative Education,50(4), 400-416.
7、Zhang, D. (2014). Book Review. The education of migrant children and China’s future: The urban left behind by Holly H. Ming. Frontiers of Education in China, 9 (3),472-474.
6、Zhang, D. (2012). Tongshi Education Reform in a Chinese University: Knowledge, Values and Organizational Changes. Comparative Education Review,56(3),pp.392-420.
5、Zhang, D. (2012). Co-Ethnic Network, Social Class and Heritage Language Maintenance among Chinese Immigrant Families. Journal of Language, Identity and Education,11(3),pp.200-223.
4、Zhang, D. (2010). Language Maintenance and Language Shift among Chinese Immigrant Parents and Their Second-Generation Children in the US. Bilingual Research Journal, 33(1),pp. 42-60.
3、Zhang, D., & Slaughter-Defoe, D. (2009). Language Attitudes and Heritage Language Maintenance among Chinese Immigrant Families in the US. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 22(2),pp. 77-92.
2、Zhang, D.“On the other side of the ocean: Stories of Chinese in the US. 载周真,David R. Knapp 编著,《Experiencing Another Culture》,第3-20页,独立作者,18千字,云南人民出版社,2008.2
1、Zhang, D. (2004). Home Language Maintenance among Second-Generation Chinese Immigrant Children. Working Papers on Educational Linguistics, 19(2),pp. 33-53.
B. 2004年以来发表的中文论文有:
29、张东辉. (2020). 压缩的政策空间:北京市流动人口家庭的教育困境与行动策略.《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》, 2020年第2期.
28、张东辉.(2019). 微观权力的审视:城市流动人口子女的学校生活民族志. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2019年第2期(总第58卷第2期),第168-175页,CSSCI索引,约1万2千字
27、“学校民族志与教育政策研究:从陌路到相逢”, 载《苏州大学学报(教育科学版)》2017年第3期,第54-60页,独立作者,10千字,2017.9, 《中国社会科学文摘》2018年第1期转载,141-142页
的国际舆论环境研究——基于西方媒体报道的分析”, 载《中国人民大学教育学刊》2016年第1期(总第21期), 第91-110页,第一作者, 10千字,2016.3
25、“「守望」抑或「逃離」:城市流動兒童的身分認同與身分建構”, 载香港中文大学《教育學報》2015年第43卷第2期,第71-78页,独立作者, 16千字,2015.12
21、“内地新疆西藏高中班办学管理中存在的问题与对策”,载《问题与思路》2014年第30期(总第137期),第1-6页, 独立作者,5.0千字,2014.7
19、“美国教育研究方法论的最新进展:混合法研究的兴起与应用”,载《教育研究与实验》2013年第4期,第7-10页,人大复印资料《教育学》2013年第12期全文转载, 独立作者, 6.0千字, 2013.8.
16、 “北京市新疆、西藏内地高中班办学与管理现状分析:成效、问题与对策”,载《民族教育研究》2012年第6期(CSSCI期刊,总第113期),第28-33页,第一作者,6.0千字,2012.12
3、“美国教育语言学的学科发展及对我国的启示”。载《语言教学与研究》2008年第5期(总第133期), 第8-15页,独立作者,8.1千字,2008.10;被中国人民大学复印报刊资料《语言文字学》2008年第12期全文转载,第24-31页,2008.12
1、Zhang, Donghui. (2008). Language Maintenance and Acculturation among Chinese Immigrant Families in the US. Al Paso, TX: LFB Scholarly Publishing, LLC.