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Guo, J., Hu, X.*, Elliot, A., Marsh, H., Murayama, K., Basarkod, G., Parker, P., & Dicke, T. (2023). Mastery-Approach goals: A large-scale cross-cultural analysis of antecedents and consequences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(2), 397-420. (IF = 8.5; Q1)
Hu, X., Zuo, H., Lai, C., Zhu, G., Guo, J., & Tan, H. (2023). Is social media use for math learning beneficial for ethnic minority students' math identity? A socialization perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology. Online first. (IF = 6.6; Q1)
Guo, J., Hu, X.*, Marsh, H., & Pekrun, R. (2021). Relations of epistemic beliefs with motivation, achievement, and aspirations in science: Generalizability across 72 countries.Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(4), 734-751. (IF = 6.9; Q1)
Hu, X., Gong, Y., Lai, C., & Leung, F. K. (2018).The relationship between ICT and student literacy in mathematics, reading, and science across 44 countries: A multilevel analysis. Computers & Education, 125, 1-13. (IF = 11.2; Q1)
Hew, K.F., Hu X., Qiao, C., & Tang, Y. (2020). What predicts student satisfaction with MOOCs: A gradient boosting trees supervised machine learning and sentiment analysis approach. Computers & Education, 145, 103724.(IF = 11.2; Q1)
Hu, X., Leung, F. K., & Teng, Y. (2018).The influence of culture on students’ mathematics achievement across 51 countries. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(1), 7-24. (IF = 2.1; Q3)
Guo, M., Leung F.K.S., & Hu, X.* (2020).Affective determinants of mathematical problem posing: the case of Chinese Miao students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 5(3), 367-387. (IF = 2.9; Q2)
Guo, M., Cao, Y., Hu, X.* (2023). Chinese students’ filial piety beliefs and procrastination in mathematics learning: The mediating role of academic emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1050259. (IF = 4.2; Q1)
Hu, X., Leung, F. K., & Chen, G. (2018).School, family, and student factors behind student attitudes toward science: The case of Hong Kong fourth-graders. International Journal of Educational Research. 92, 135-144. (IF = 2.8; Q2)
Guo, M., & Hu, X.* (2021).Relationship of classroom goal structures to Chinese Miao and Han students’ goal orientations and mathematics achievement. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 31, 345–355. (IF = 2.6; Q2)
Gong, Y., Hu, X.*, & Lai, C. (2018).Chinese as a second language teachers’ cognition in teaching intercultural communicative competence. System, 78, 224-233. (IF = 4.5; Q1)
Guo, M., Hu, X., & Leung, F. K. (2021). Culture, goal orientations, and mathematics achievement among Chinese students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20, 1225–1245. (IF = 2.1; Q3)
Guo, J., Basarkod, G., Perales, F., Parker, P. D., Marsh, H. W., Donald, J., Dicke, T., Sahdra, B.K., Ciarrochi, J., Hu, X., Lonsdale, C., Sanders, T., & del Pozo Cruz, B. (2022). The equality paradox: Gender equality intensifies male advantages in adolescent subjective well-being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672221125619. (IF = 4.6; Q2)
主持教育部人文社会科学研究规划青年基金项目《“一带一路”沿线国家来华来华留学生的学习适应研究:国家文化差异的视角》 (2023)